Monday, March 3, 2014

Daylight Savings Time is this coming Sunday

This coming Sunday, March 9th, is Daylight Savings Time. We move our clocks ahead one hour, so when you wake up Sunday morning at 9 am, move your manual clocks to the time on your cell phone, to 10 am. In effect, if the sun came up at 7 am and went down at 6 pm, then the sun will rise at 8 am, and go down at 7 pm. This is my favorite time of year - watching the days get longer each day.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Asian Art Museum - Drivers should arrive at Hall at 11:00.

I look forward to have a great time at the Asian Art with our students and parents Friday!!!

We will meet at the 8th grade court yard near the 8th grade bathrooms.

We will have directions, student lists, and an overview of the day presentation before we leave.

Parents should bring a sack lunch, or eat ahead of time.

Students get out of class at 11:10,

1. will put away all school materials, except a pen or pencil,
2. will bring their lunch (school lunches will be provided for those who regularly order them),
3. and a jacket.
4. Students may bring a cell phone, but they should be left off, and used only in the event of an emergency (no headphones should be brought on the trip).

We will leave Hall at 11:30.

We will eat lunch when we get to the Civic Center above the garage area. We need to stay across the street, away from the museum until we get ready to enter.

We will enter the museum starting at 12:30. Each teacher and parents will be given a map. Each student will receive a scavenger hunt assignment. Each class will enter and proceed to their designated area of the museum.

Students must stay with their groups. Students must maintain behavior as they enjoy the exhibits and complete the scavenger hunt in partners and small groups.

We will leave the museum around 2:10, and arrive back at Hall by 3:00.

When students arrive, they must go to the playground until the end of the school day at 3:20.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Google Doc Assignments standards, a reminder...

A gdoc assignment has these requirements:
1. Type the assignment before class starts the day it is due.
2. Share the document with Mr. Rodgers in edit mode.
3. Save the file the name of the assignment.
4. Type a Hall header at the top of the assignment doc - full name, due date, class period.
5. Type the title of the assignment, centered one line below the Hall header.
6. Print the assignment before coming to class.
7. The above list is always required unless stated.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers