Monday, September 30, 2013

SS7 Work this week...

Here is the homework for LA7 and SS7:

Due - Detail

1001 - SS7 - Inked 11x17 map - continents (all inking with black fine point sharpie)

1001 - SS7 -
If your maps were already inked this morning, (you may use black fine point sharpie, or other colors listed below for rivers or mountains):
1. then trace mountains regions, and rivers in light dotted-line pencil (use today's new source map  and all rivers and mountains from the original geography list.
2. You may ink the rivers in blue ink, with a blue roller ball, or a black or blue sharpie (trace over your pencil lines).
3. For mountains, draw small open bodied triangles inside of the penciled mountain regions. You may use purple, brown, orange, or black ink for the mountains
4. When done inking mountains and rivers let the ink dry. Erase all light pencil after the ink is dry.

1003 - SS7 - work to be announced.

1003 - SS7 - study for geography test in order to take the geography test on the entire list.

1004 - SS7 - Geography Test - know and spell items labeled on the map correctly.

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