Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ch 1 HW due Thursday

Using the SS7 Textbook, pre-read headers, pictures, and key terms.
Then as you re-read chapter one, summarize each section header in a sentence and define terms that you do not understand.

Page 7:
Legacy – what are the lasting elements that may affect us today of something – idea, former civilization, book

Why is the legacy of Rome important?
1.      Several Roman elements are obvious in our culture today.
2.      By 1300 Europeans looked back to Rome as the example of a strong society and culture?

P 8 – Fall of Rome
P 10 – murals, mosaics, frescoes
P 12 – vault, dome, arch, cathedrals, aqueducts, Colosseum

arch – series of curved stones, with a keystone at the top that can hold considerable weight

Continue with the rest of the chapter.

HW – define key terms (whether highlighted or not, that you do not understand) and summarize each chapter section header in one sentence. Due Thursday when you walk into class.

EQ (Essential Questions) – Covered in class on Thursday

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