Tuesday, December 17, 2013

7a and 10 HW - Flashcard practice

Today in class we worked in groups to combine our flashcards into a group set of 10 different terms, 10 different events (people, places, inventions, etc. ) in a shared google doc.

Tonight, start to study details from other chapter flashcard sets.
Your goal by Friday is to answer 40 different flashcard questions correctly from the four other assigned chapters in class.

Each day, students will quiz students from other chapter groups, and report the number of questions the student answered correctly. A student can earn a maximum of 10 points from one person's flashcards. Once a person takes a flashcard quiz, they receive their score on a tracking sheet, then they reciprocate and quiz that person with their flashcards, then give them a score.

Students that answer 40 different questions correctly in one day, 10 from each chapter besides their own, will earn a maximum grade of a 20, each question worth a 1/2 a point.

So, study information from the shared chapter questions here:

Chapter 2 - Core 1 and  Period 3
Chapter 3 - Core 1 and  Period 3
Chapter 4 - Core 1 and  Period 3
Chapter 5 - Core 1 and  Period 3
Chapter 6 - Core 1 and  Period 3

Monday, December 16, 2013

10. HW Core 1 due 121713 - Complete flashcards started in class

Chapter – Group
2 – A - Bouju
3 – Bueman - Garland
4 – Johnstone - Morrison
5 – Papuc -- Segal
6 – Sommerville - Watson

Finish Flashcards for your assigned chapter above.
Information comes from: the text, your text notes, and lecture notes for your given chapter.

What the final assignments looks like:
Use a piece of notebook paper - draw a line down the middle
term on one side of paper, definition or details on other side

Content of each "card":
4 terms
4 events (places, people, inventions, etc)
2 major concepts or trends

HW Period 3 Due 121713

Period 3
Chapter – Group
2 – A - C
3 – D - F
4 – G - Mahone
5 – Mathews - S

6 – T – Z

For your Assigned SS7 Text Chapter above - make a list of the following:
4 terms
4 events (people, place, invention, etc)
2 concepts or trends

You may use the text, your text notes, and lecture notes related to that chapter.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Due Monday 12/16 - Controversial Topic - Parent HW

Due - Detail

12/16 -
Ask your parents to share 5 controversial issues that they have thought about, dealt with, or think are very important in order to understand our modern world.
The issues can be political, environmental, involve human rights or economic. The issues should revolve around topics that can be researched and have physical evidence to back up one or both sides of the issue.

Bring a list of five topics that you have discussed with your parents to class on Monday, 12/16. ONE OFYOUR PARENTS MUST SIGN THE LIST THAT THEY HAVE HAD THIS DISCUSSION WITH YOU.

Monday, December 9, 2013

5, 6 - HW week of 12/9/13

Due - Detail

12/09 - 12/10
Level 2 performances.
Work on Level 3 Guild activities.

5. Read Chapter 5
1. Graphic organizer - fold a white 8x11 piece of paper in fourths. For each section of the chapter, draw, ink and color a picture that represents each section of the chapter (there are four sections). Then for each section write 6 - 8 key words, concepts, ideas, or events that are introduced in the section. The words should be inked.
2. Use this following survey to define two terms from each section. You may not use key terms that are defined in the chapter for this part of the HW.

6. Read Chapter 6
1. Outline the chapter. See an example of an outline here. Each section should start with a capital letter, and the points should be indented numerals - 1, 2, 3. Details that support each numeral should be indented lower case letters - a, b, c.
This is a simple header style outline with very minimal writing beyond basic definitions.
Sample outline format here and here 2

Monday, December 2, 2013

1, 2, 3, 4 - HW week starting 12/02/13

Due - Detail

1203 -
1. Guild Work Level 2

1204 -
2. Read SS Text Ch 3
Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 - for each section summarize in a three detail list
AND explain a total of three ideas from: key concept, term and/or picture found in each section

1206 -
3. ME Art Survey (link active on 1204)

4. Read SS Text Ch 4
Sections 1, 2, 3, 6, 7
Use this form to complete your homework for Ch 4

The form will ask for the following:
Write an EQ question for each section.
Select and define three terms (not already defined in the chapter)