Monday, December 9, 2013

5, 6 - HW week of 12/9/13

Due - Detail

12/09 - 12/10
Level 2 performances.
Work on Level 3 Guild activities.

5. Read Chapter 5
1. Graphic organizer - fold a white 8x11 piece of paper in fourths. For each section of the chapter, draw, ink and color a picture that represents each section of the chapter (there are four sections). Then for each section write 6 - 8 key words, concepts, ideas, or events that are introduced in the section. The words should be inked.
2. Use this following survey to define two terms from each section. You may not use key terms that are defined in the chapter for this part of the HW.

6. Read Chapter 6
1. Outline the chapter. See an example of an outline here. Each section should start with a capital letter, and the points should be indented numerals - 1, 2, 3. Details that support each numeral should be indented lower case letters - a, b, c.
This is a simple header style outline with very minimal writing beyond basic definitions.
Sample outline format here and here 2

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