Monday, November 25, 2013

HW week of 1125

Due - Details

1125 -
BTW, great jester performance by Lucas Wong - in character, physical comedy, great timing. The entire class was laughing!!!

1126 -
Complete all of the following on 1125 for HW:
1. Historical Map
2. Short Report

1127 -
Level Two assignment -
Bring a print out of source materials to class - we will work on Level Two in class.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Poetry Links for Medieval Poets

For Level Two - Poet
Select a 12 - 16 line excerpt from some of the Medieval and early modern poets. You should browse some of the names below, and try to find a poet that is from your country in translation.

1. Find a poet from your country that is translated into English here:

If you are bold, try finding your own poet here:

Or here is a list of well known Medieval poets by country with links to their poems:
Italy - Dante, Petrarch (use a poetry site from #2 below)
France - Raimbaut, A modern Rondeau
England - Chaucer or here, John Barbour, Thomas Dekker,
Germany -

2. Use these sites and search for poems by your selected poet from the list below:
Poetry Foundation
Bartleby - verse
Poem Hunter
Poet Seer

Saturday, November 23, 2013

How does Medieval Art reflects daily life

For this coming week, not ready yet...

Complete the following assignment:
1. keep this browser window open while you complete this activity in order to examine each picture below:
2. Open this Google Survey - "Medieval Art and daily life."

Monday, November 18, 2013

European Historical and Modern Map Assignments

1. Due 11/26
2. All students received an outline target map of their country needed to draw a historical map. Map guidelines at bottom of this page. Assigned maps here: 

3. Artisan Guild members received a map of Western Europe needed to draw a modern map of Europe. Here are links to source maps that the Artisan members were assigned in class:

West Europe target map link
  • Modern political map
  • Map of EU member states - draw the political boundaries of each nation - use a key to show -  date of membership, use of the Euro currency, states not part of the EU
  • Topographical map of Europe - label rivers, draw mountains.
4. All maps must be colored (land only), ink outlined, titled. Key must be in ink. Different countries and regions must be labeled in black ink. Rivers should be labelled in blue ink.

11/18 - HW this week: Guild, Map, Illuminated Letter, Short Report

Due - Detail: Short List
11/19 - Complete Country/Guild Survey - link here
11/19 - Guild Level One Assignment - link here
11/26 - Historical Map and Artisan Modern Map - Details here
11/21 - Illuminated letter final
11/22 - Short Report - First draft (typed, google, printed) - 1. topic link AND 2. outline link

Short Report Outline Details - due 11/22, Friday

1. All students should have a their topic - find yours here.

2. All students have taken at least a half page of notes with two different web links so far.

3. Here is the outline for the short report:


First Paragraph
  • Introduction - why is this topic important historically and to the development of the country overall
  • where, who, when, what and the basic how that explains the person, event, or trend. Where and when did this event take place - the context or place and time where this took place.
Second Paragraph
  • The general sequence of events that surround the important elements of this event, or person's life.
Third Paragraph
  • Explain why this event is important historically.
  • What future events or trends did the topic of this report lead to?
4. 300 - 500 word range.
5. Typed - Double spaced, Google, Printed.
6. 3 reference bibliography - link here for more information

Saturday, November 16, 2013

11/18 Guild Form and Follow up Level form

Everyone should Fill in the Medieval Country and Guild - Initial Survey here as soon as you see this page.

Subsequently as you complete activities for each level, use the Followup Survey to track your guild progress here.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Current Event - Due Friday

11/15 - Current Event -  Find an article that takes place in your country - politics, economics, military - Write up due AND article printed out. Follow the form here. (Make a copy of the form so you can edit it).

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Homework week of Nov 12 - Quest level one, Current Event, Notes of short report

Due - Details: Three assignments:

11/14 First level of Quest
11/14 Short Report Notes - Below
11/15 Current Event - Bottom

11/14 - First Level of each quest (Each student has one profession below):

Page (Knight) - Create a coat of arms or crest. Rough draft due.

Jester (Bard) - Write a 30 to 60 second comedy routine that consists of a series of jokes, a story, or a combination of humor that gets people to laugh. Draft due.

Artisan - Find a medieval map of your country or related medieval topic map that you would like to draw that shows your talent. Print out your map and share your link.

Sage - Find a Medieval quote from the time period that you would like to write in calligraphy and be able to explain it to the class.

11/14 - Notes of Research Topic: Take notes on your assigned topic. Show and describe two history sites that you found good information (do not use general knowledge sites - like or Use google docs to take notes. Share these notes in your dropbox SS folder - create a new folder called Medieval Unit. Topic List is here. Assigned Topic categories are here.

Find your topic number hereLook up topic list here.

11/15 - Current Event -  Find an article that takes place in your assigned country - politics, economics, military - Write up due AND article printed out. Follow the form here. (Make a copy of the form so you can edit it).

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Due Friday - Finish four panel Medieval Classes of Feudalism started in class

Short Report Assignment - Due Nov. 14 - first draft.

Medieval Europe – Short Report Assignments

To be assigned on November 8 in class. Due Nov. 14

Three paragraphs
1. Explain and define the title topic
2. Give significant timeline details or technical details
3. Explain the significance of the topic to Roman history

Typed in Google Docs
300 - 500 words

Must have bibliography with three references from the internet

Topics List here
these are chosen and confirmed in class with each student.

Take this survey to help get a topic of interest

Monday, November 4, 2013

Crash Course: Dark Ages Youtube from class

Go here for the video

Also, here are today's notes - Introduction to the Middle Ages

HW due Tuesday - Read SS7 text - notes

Read the rest of SS7 - Chapter 2
For each of the feudal classes, take notes and make a list of four important details about each feudal class.