Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Homework week of Nov 12 - Quest level one, Current Event, Notes of short report

Due - Details: Three assignments:

11/14 First level of Quest
11/14 Short Report Notes - Below
11/15 Current Event - Bottom

11/14 - First Level of each quest (Each student has one profession below):

Page (Knight) - Create a coat of arms or crest. Rough draft due.

Jester (Bard) - Write a 30 to 60 second comedy routine that consists of a series of jokes, a story, or a combination of humor that gets people to laugh. Draft due.

Artisan - Find a medieval map of your country or related medieval topic map that you would like to draw that shows your talent. Print out your map and share your link.

Sage - Find a Medieval quote from the time period that you would like to write in calligraphy and be able to explain it to the class.

11/14 - Notes of Research Topic: Take notes on your assigned topic. Show and describe two history sites that you found good information (do not use general knowledge sites - like about.com or askjeeves.com). Use google docs to take notes. Share these notes in your dropbox SS folder - create a new folder called Medieval Unit. Topic List is here. Assigned Topic categories are here.

Find your topic number hereLook up topic list here.

11/15 - Current Event -  Find an article that takes place in your assigned country - politics, economics, military - Write up due AND article printed out. Follow the form here. (Make a copy of the form so you can edit it).

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